Every Picture Has A Story

Here are a few of mine...

The Hitchhiker

While this picture kind of speaks for itself as far as its title goes, it does hold a little twist to the meaning. Our backyard happens to have many different visitors. Some are considered spectacular that they are there at all. Most of the animal pictures in the gallery are visitors coming...

Jake The Cat

I am a firm believer that anyone who feels alone in life ought to own a pet. My personal choice is a cat. I have owned a few dogs, and all of them have been wonderful pets and companions, but the cats I have owned have always been a constant source of...

Peaches Gets Even

Peaches loves to sit on my lap.  When I am crocheting, she really can’t.  Her new thing to do is if I have a pattern next to my chair that I am using for the piece that I am working on, she will sit on it and not move, as if to...

Picnic Table Project

The picnic table is the very first item I actually made out of wood. My husband helped me with it, but the labor of cutting and assembling was mostly mine. I love everything about wood: the smell of freshly cut wood, the smell of the polyurethane and stain, the sanding, using a...

The Lord Is My Shepherd

I had been scroll sawing for about a year when one of my sisters called.  This particular sister and I spoke quite regularly about life in general.  She knew I had been scrolling for awhile and this particular phone call was to ask if I could scroll something specific. Not considering myself...

Glossy vs Satin

I had always liked how a gloss finish on the wood looks so very smooth. That was when I was young and not actually working the wood. Now that I have been working with wood and have had some excellent advice from one of my brothers, I found my attitude towards finishes...

The Hitchhiker

Categories: Animals
While this picture kind of speaks for itself as far as its title goes, it does hold a little twist to the meaning.
Our backyard happens to have many different visitors. Some are considered spectacular that they are there at all. Most of the animal pictures in the gallery are visitors coming through at one time or another.
The chipmunks are no exception, other than they seem to stay. Now, of course, they are cute and funny to watch, until they make their homes in places you don’t want them. Our garage happens to be one of those places. There is no locking them out; they will chew through just about anything to get to where they want to be. My husband finally resorted to putting the birdseed into a metal garbage can. Darn if they didn’t figure out how to get the top off! He even put a bungee cord across the cover. They chewed through that. Being a hunter, my husband had at one time thought about shooting them. Fortunately, he couldn’t do it because as much of a nuisance they were, they were still so darned cute.
So, he purchased a small Have A Heart Trap out of desperation. His plan was to capture and remove them from the property. What made me really smile was how my husband honestly thought we only had one or two chipmunks. When he caught and released two, he couldn’t understand why there were still one or two left!
While at work in a previous job one day, I received an email from our I.T. guys who worked in the lower offices. Thinking that they needed information on one of my phone orders, I opened it up to the picture of my car. Their office window faces the side of the building where my car was parked. It was small enough of a company that we knew each other’s cars. The email explained that they had been watching this little guy for the better part of the day. Running around the yard and jumping into my grill and then jumping back out and doing it over and over again.
I replied to them that they had no idea how hysterical that was! Then I told them that my husband had been trapping the chipmunks in our yard to move them to another location. I explained to the I.T. guys I was forwarding this one to my husband to let him know that the ones he was re-homing were hitching rides back, and that’s why we couldn’t get rid of them.

Jake The Cat

Categories: Animals
I am a firm believer that anyone who feels alone in life ought to own a pet.
My personal choice is a cat. I have owned a few dogs, and all of them have been wonderful pets and companions, but the cats I have owned have always been a constant source of comfort and plenty of entertainment.
I chuckle every time I hear someone remark that animals do not have facial expressions. They certainly have never bonded with a dog or cat.
There are so many stories I have to tell about the ones that came to stay with me. And hopefully, I will be able to write them all.
This story though is about a cat we named Jake, who adopted us as his family.
A few years back in late autumn, I began to notice a stray cat in our yard. It was a rather large long-haired cat that was brown, cream, and black striped.
If I went out into the yard, the cat would race off into the woods. I had the feeling that this one was a hungry cat that was in search of food. I began to leave dry cat food out on the far side of the yard under a tree. The cat would wait until I was back in the house before it would come up and eat the food.
This went on well into winter. Every year in winter, my husband would leave deer food under the same tree. This particular winter was a harsh, cold, and snowy one. Somewhere in late January I believe, we had a blizzard that dropped about 36 inches of snow! It buried everything including the deer food. I had not seen the cat in days and was worrying about it when my husband came home from paying the rent and told me that the cat was living under our landlady’s deck. I felt much better knowing it would survive.
With the cold continuing, the snow was not melting at all. The deer would still come and paw their way to the food. On one particular night, I was looking at them out of our kitchen window and couldn’t believe what I saw. There were about 3 or 4 deer around the food pile. They were facing the house. About 6ft in front of them and the food was the cat! It was facing them, ears flat on its head and in a stalking position! What did this cat think? Was it going to try to take on a deer?
Even though I knew it would run, I still grabbed the cat food and went out to the picnic table. The snow was so deep that it was level to the top of the picnic table.
As I did every single time I had gone out with food in the past, I began talking to the cat. Sure enough, it took off, but this time it stopped (about 6ft away from me), looked at me, meowed loudly, and ran behind the garage. I turned to walk away back to the house and just before going up the stairs to the door, I took a peek behind me. The cat was already on the table and eating! The food was gone in minutes. I went back out. This time the cat jumped off the table and stood about 3ft away waiting for me to finish leaving more food.
The following night, we went through the same ritual, only this time I was in for a very big surprise. On the second helping, when I went out, the cat stayed right where it was on the table and waited for me. When I finished pouring the food out, I put my hand out toward it making little kisses noise that people usually call their cats with. It came right across the table at me and rubbed my hand repeatedly with its head. I still to this day have no clue why I did what I did next because I know better with wild or untrusting animals. I picked this cat up and it did not fight me! It was the complete opposite! It pushed in closer to me and purred and purred and purred some more.
Upon picking this cat up I discovered it was starving to death! The only reason that this cat seemed so big was because of the hair it had. It was so skinny I could actually feel every single rib and even the vertebrae on its spine! Since I had a cat in the house, I could not bring it in until I had taken it to the vet’s to have it checked for any diseases that could be transferred to my cat. But I did make a bed on the porch for it.
A week later, I could see the cat was gaining weight. I was finally able to get an appointment to bring it in. I still didn’t even know its gender, or how old it was.
I had been going to this same vet for years, so I was quite surprised by his attitude toward me. He was very abrupt in talking to me when I realized that he thought that I had allowed this cat to starve. I told him that I had been leaving food for him (we now knew he was a male) for months, but could never get near him until this past week. I told him about the first time I was able to pick him up and that he had already gained weight since that night. I explained how there was nothing between his skin and bones! The vet changed his attitude immediately and told me that I had saved this cat’s life. From my description, the vet told me the night of the snowstorm, the cat had maybe only hours left to his life.
He also told me that the cat was about 9 years old and had been neutered. That told me he had been somebody’s pet! I have no clue if he was abandoned, or if his owner had been elderly and maybe passed away. I only know that according to the vet, this cat had been in the wilds for quite some time.
He was given a clean bill of health to enter our home. When I got home that day, my husband and I came up with the name Jake.
It wasn’t long before Jake was a full member of the family. He and my female cat (don’t worry both were fixed) Peanut, had established a relationship that worked for both of them. Jake had bonded with my husband and it was cute to see him follow my husband everywhere.
It was somewhere in the spring that I had come home to a very interesting scene in the backyard. Jake was laying down enjoying the sunny afternoon and Peanut was across the yard busy playing or catching something under our grill. I was now close enough to see that she had a baby rabbit. Now I am a person who tries to remember and honor the instincts of animals and leave it be. As I was now entering the backyard, I saw Peanut carry the baby rabbit over and drop it in front of Jake. Wow, nothing like being king of the jungle here! About that time my husband was coming out of the side door and down the stairs, clearly heading for the backyard. He was not yet aware of what was going on. I think I already knew he wasn’t going to stand for any of this because I have seen how he is with any type of ‘baby’ animal. Sure enough, I was correct. Before either cat could react, he went over to Jake and snatched the baby rabbit away from him. He was holding it close to his chest, petting it. He was horrified that the cats were going to kill this rabbit. I told him that this was nature and what was he going to do with the rabbit? He said he was going to let it go. I tried to tell him that he was just prolonging the inevitable fate of this bunny. He said he was going into the woods and hide it somewhere. He had been pacing around the yard all this time and I don’t think that he noticed that no matter where he stepped Jake was a mere few steps behind him. As I pointed out that the cats would just go in and find the rabbit, he said he didn’t think that they would. He then noticed that Jake was right behind him. Now my husband truly loved this cat, but at the moment he was very agitated. He turned around to face Jake and said (as if he was a dog), “Jake, sit, stay! Do not follow me.” I was amazed to see that Jake did sit down and did not move from that spot as my husband went into the woods. I think he was in there a good 10 minutes and Jake sat there the whole time, never taking his eyes off the spot my husband entered. When my husband came out, Jake waited until he passed by and with complete calmness, stood up and proceeded to stroll into the woods. My husband just shook his head sadly and went into the house. Jake didn’t come back for a few hours and thankfully had no telltale signs of why he had been gone that long.
It was sad about the rabbit, but as I had said before, it is nature. I would not trap animals for my cats, but I never prevented them from hunting. They were awesome at keeping our property mouse free.
Life went on as before. Jake as usual following my husband everywhere, sitting with him at the picnic table, lounging nearby when my husband worked in the garden, or on his boat.
Jumping ahead into summer, this season was no different than the previous two. Winter, we had horrific snowstorms, more than normal. Spring we had rain and wind, slightly abnormal amounts than previous years. Now that summer was in full swing, it seemed the forecasted swarms of cicadas were here. I had never seen one, but you could hear them in the trees. When they swarmed a tree, the sound was just like a helicopter hovering.
Early, on one particular sunny Saturday morning, I was sitting outside enjoying the sun and quiet peacefulness. Jake also was soaking up the warm sunny morning, lounging in the garden. As I was sitting there, I noticed something glittering in the sunlight about 2ft from where I was sitting. I leaned toward it to get a better look, and saw that the sun was reflecting off the morning dew on what appeared to be the biggest fly I had ever seen! It was just about the size of the palm of my hand. I noticed that it appeared to be lethargic, maybe because of the dew? I wasn’t sure. Because of this though, it gave me the courage to pick it up in my hand and bring it into the house to ask my husband if he knew what it was. His answer was simply “Oh that’s a cicada.”
So, this is what one looked like. After hearing so much about them, I am not sure what I was expecting…but it wasn’t this. I thought this bug was rather ugly. I went back outside and was getting ready to let it go when I spotted Jake still lounging in the garden. Thinking he would enjoy playing with this creature, I went over, got his attention then tossed the insect in the air. I was right. Jake sat up and started to bat the bug around with his big paws. When the bug would land, Jake would pick it back up and toss it up again just so he could bat it around some more. This cat never ceased to amaze me. He was playing with this bug like a dog would with a ball! This went on for a good 10 minutes when I heard the side door open and looked up just in time to see my husband enter the backyard. Apparently, Jake heard him too. I was just about to tell my husband to come and see how much Jake was enjoying playing with the cicada when Jake looked behind him, did a double-take, and to my utter amazement, grabbed the bug in his mouth and proceeded to devour it, wings and all! There was nothing left! And that’s when it hit me that this cat was not going to allow my husband to come anywhere near him and steal his catch!
Later, when thinking about this whole scene, I realized that not only was this cat extremely gentle in nature, and loved my husband dearly, he also knew how to communicate on a human level. The actual translation of that morning kind of went like this….’I love my dad. I can’t spend enough time with him. But, enough is enough. I am a cat, I do things that he will not like, I make sure that I do not do them in front of him, but I know that as a cat, it is what I do and there is nothing wrong with it. If I could talk human words, I would remind him that he doesn’t have a problem with me killing and eating mice. So, please do not interfere with me and my job.’

Peaches Gets Even

Categories: Animals
Peaches loves to sit on my lap.  When I am crocheting, she really can’t.  Her new thing to do is if I have a pattern next to my chair that I am using for the piece that I am working on, she will sit on it and not move, as if to say, “If I can’t sit on your lap because you’re crocheting, then you can’t read your pattern to crochet.  So there!”  Stalemate.

Picnic Table Project

Categories: Woodworking

The picnic table is the very first item I actually made out of wood. My husband helped me with it, but the labor of cutting and assembling was mostly mine. I love everything about wood: the smell of freshly cut wood, the smell of the polyurethane and stain, the sanding, using a finer grit for each step until its baby smooth. The table was not finished to that kind of fineness, but as I continued on, I brought other tools into play.

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Categories: Woodworking

I had been scroll sawing for about a year when one of my sisters called.  This particular sister and I spoke quite regularly about life in general.  She knew I had been scrolling for awhile and this particular phone call was to ask if I could scroll something specific.

Not considering myself quite experienced to just say yes, I told her it depended on what it was.  When she said that she wanted a plaque that simply read, “The Lord Is My Shepherd”, I asked a few particular questions like what kind of wood, what shape and if she wanted anything else on it.

We spent a little time discussing the particulars, and she concluded the conversation with making sure I knew it was no hurry, and just cut it when I had some time.

One thing led to another with projects that came up, birthdays, or just random gifts. Before I knew it a little over 4 months had gone by.  After realizing that I still had not started this project, I gave her a call to let her know.  I felt a little guilty mainly because this particular sister very rarely asks me for anything.  She told me no apologies were needed, she knew I had been busy.  She was wondering though if I could start it.  I promised her I would.

After making the pattern for the wood on paper, I took a picture of it and texted my sister for approval.  From that moment on, while she was not exactly pushing me, she would call to ask on the progress.  This went on for about a month.  The scrolling of the piece along with the sanding and finishing of the wood can be time consuming.  With working a fulltime job, what might take only a few days, sometimes could take a whole month.  Each time my sister would ask about the progress, I asked her if she had a deadline date she needed this by.  Each time she answered no.

About a week after I delivered her the plaque she called me.  I could hear by her tone that she was excited to tell me something.  Her first question to me was how did I know to have this plaque done on the date that I did?  I wasn’t quite sure what she meant.  Then she explained why she had asked me.

She told me that our aunt had a neighbor one door down in her apartment complex that was one of the nicest and most courteous gentlemen in the complex.  At Christmastime, the apartment complex had a contest of who had the best door sign or plaque.  My sister noticed that the neighbor did not have one.  She asked if he was planning to join the contest.  His answer was a simple and friendly no.  My sister had decided that she would like to give him something to hang on his door, not necessarily for the contest, but just as a nice gesture.  That was when she first contacted me with the request for the “Lord Is My Shepherd” plaque.  There was no hurry, because she didn’t want to give it to him at the time the contest was happening.  She chose the words “The Lord is My Shepherd” because it happens to be her favorite line from the Bible.

As she is continuing her story, she is starting to sound very excited.  She then said that she had no idea why she started to gently prod me to finish the plaque, but wait until I heard the rest of the story!  The Saturday of the week I gave her the finished plaque, she knocked on this gentleman’s door.  When there was no answer, she simply left the plaque on his; “Welcome Mat”.

She and my aunt received a note from him not long after.  He first told them how deeply he was touched by their incredible thoughtfulness in giving him this plaque.  Then, he went on to explain how the timing of receiving it was definitely God ordained.  His wife had passed away two years to the day that my sister left him the plaque on his doorstep, and “The Lord Is My Shepherd” is inscribed on her tombstone.

By this time I am smiling and my heart is bursting with happiness.  While my sister is still confused as to how I knew when to get this to her, I realize she has absolutely no clue what has happened here.

I asked her if she knew what I meant when I would use the words “This is a God Story” when I wanted to tell her how God had used me to touch a life.  She said she knew, so what?  I laughed out loud.  Well let me ask you how you feel now that you have experienced firsthand what it is like to be the main character in this particular God Story!?

Glossy vs Satin

Categories: Woodworking

I had always liked how a gloss finish on the wood looks so very smooth. That was when I was young and not actually working the wood.

Now that I have been working with wood and have had some excellent advice from one of my brothers, I found my attitude towards finishes has changed a great deal.

While visiting one of my brothers, one day, we started talking about wood and the different types of clear finishes. I explained my preference to him and why. He smiled and said that he thought the same in the beginning stages of his journey with wood. Then, he said something that made so much sense I couldn’t believe I had never thought of it. I had always thought that what made the wood so very smooth was the polyurethane that sealed the grain.

Before he started to explain, he asked me to go up to his second-floor landing and look at the wood floor. I went up and remarked what a beautiful floor it was. My brother was considered a Master Craftsman at this time. I knew without asking he had installed the floorboards himself. The landing on the second floor had two, floor to ceiling windows. The sun was shining that day, and what a beautiful scene it created. When I went back downstairs, he asked me how the grain had looked on the flooring. I was awed at how the flooring was smooth, and the grain was defined. He smiled and told me that the finish on the floor was a satin finish. He then said to me that most people would put satin as a finish for the apparent reason that the floor wouldn’t be too slippery. His reasoning was more for the grain of the wood.

When the sun hits any wood with gloss or semi-gloss for a sealer, the sun will reflect off of it, and just like a camera flash in a window, it will hide what is behind the reflected light. WOW! I had never thought of that. When I asked about the roughness of the wood, he said, “Sandpaper takes care of that.” He did agree with me that there are times where the grain of the wood is not the focal point, and then gloss or semi-gloss is an excellent choice. Things like jewelry, small pieces like napkin holders, or handles of any kind. Those you would want a thicker sealer due to everyday handling.

Here I have a couple of projects I scrolled. As you can see, the German Shepherd with the side profile, the light bounces off of the wood, and you are losing a lot of character and movement this wood has.

For the long hair German Shepherd, I used a satin finish. While this wood has a nice grain, it is nowhere near as lively grain that the first piece has. I only wish I knew this before I had finished the first piece.

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